Business Success Principle of the Day: Extemporaneous

Business Success Principle of the Day: "Extemporaneous". I love to prepare and rehearse my presentations, but sometimes I get the opportunity to speak to a large audience without notes or even an outline. It is in those moments that I just relax and let the words flow through me... it is in those moments that [...]

By |2016-09-14T05:14:18+00:00September 14th, 2016|Business|0 Comments

Business Success Principle of the Day: Serendipity

Business Success Principle of the Day: "Serendipity." Sometimes there are amazing coincidences that seem too miraculous to be random. At a minimum, there appears to be Divine forces at play. That happens a lot in business and other areas of life - especially when we envision the answer to a question or the solution to [...]

By |2016-09-09T05:45:54+00:00September 9th, 2016|Business|0 Comments

Business Success Principle of the Day: “Vision”

Business Success Principle of the Day: "Vision". Having absolute clarity of Vision and purpose is very empowering. It stirs our passions and motivates us, while inspiring those around us. And many people say that magic happens when the Vision comes into sharp focus. Implementation: Focus some time and energy in honing your Vision. Write it [...]

By |2016-09-07T05:12:08+00:00September 7th, 2016|Business|0 Comments

Business Success Principle of the Day: Catching Up

Business Success Principle of the Day: "Catching Up". When you have a lot to do, sometimes it is usually best to focus on the big projects and do the tough things first. But sometimes it feels great to check a lot of little things off the list. Otherwise, the little things will never get done. [...]

By |2016-09-01T05:28:49+00:00September 1st, 2016|Business|0 Comments

Business Success Principle of the Day: Repetition

Business Success Principle of the Day: "Repetition". It takes Repetition to build habits and brand awareness. Habits are like rut in the concrete, and it takes many passes over them to form new patterns. And we all receive so many messages every day that we have to see names and logos many times before they [...]

By |2016-08-31T05:44:55+00:00August 31st, 2016|Business|0 Comments

Business Success Principle of the Day: “Independence.”

Business Success Principle of the Day: "Independence." True Independence is a marvelous thing. When we are Independent from the challenges of the moment and Independent of the opinions and energy of others, we can remain positive, eager, and joyful! Implementation: Practice being Independent. Let each moment stand on its own, and stay grounded, loving, and [...]

By |2016-08-30T04:43:32+00:00August 30th, 2016|Business|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Polite

Politeness is mostly missing from our political process today, where rudeness and disrespect are prevalent. Let us all focus on being firm, decisive, powerful and Polite at the same time. That is a sign of true wisdom and strength!  

By |2022-08-20T14:21:20+00:00March 6th, 2016|Business|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Prize

Sometimes prizes are surprises, but they are most often earned and won. Set yourself up for success today - decide what prize you will award yourself when you accomplish something, and then go earn it!  

By |2022-08-20T14:21:41+00:00August 3rd, 2014|Business|0 Comments
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