About Paul Hoyt

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So far Paul Hoyt has created 538 blog entries.

Energy of the Day: Sage

Becoming a Sage is quite a journey, and a never-ending process. It takes courage, focus, and commitment. It takes discernment. You have to listen to a lot of people speak their truth in order to find the ones who are truly wise. Here's a hint: they are kind, loving, humble, cheerful, and quiet. They don't [...]

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 26th, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Fame

Many people seek Fame thinking it will solve all of their problems, and while it certainly can help with brand awareness, it can cause other challenges at the same time. So seek Fame if you will for the right reasons, such as helping as many people as you can, and be courageous in dealing with [...]

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 25th, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Today’s Insight: Bouncing Back

  I’ve suffered from a few setbacks in my career, as I’m sure you have, too. And boy, have I worked with a lot of clients who have been going through some tough times. Bad luck and nasty problems don’t just happen to an unlucky few. They happen to everyone. And a lot of your [...]

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 22nd, 2017|Today's Insight|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Passion

Passion is extremely valuable in ramping up your energy, and in getting other people to be excited and energized, too. When they are excited and energized, they can be more focused, productive, and effective, and the entire team accomplishes more.But stay in control and grounded to make the best decisions and be seen as trustworthy.

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 21st, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Significant

We process millions of bits of information every day, and we are usually pretty good at determining which ones are Significant and which ones can be ignored. The challenge comes in when our inexperience, biases, and blindspots prevent us from seeing those valuable, Significant messages, and we miss them.

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 20th, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Flower

I love that a Flower is both a beautiful and precious thing, and also the process of becoming that beautiful and precious thing. May you have a lot of Flowers in your life, and enjoy the process of Flowering! I can't wait to see what you look like!

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 19th, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: X-Ray

X-Rays use short bursts of electromagnetic energy that pass through solid objects that stop visible light. To see things that you cannot see, try a different way of looking at things. Ask different questions. Get a different perspective. Who knows what you will discover!

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 18th, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments
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