About Paul Hoyt

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So far Paul Hoyt has created 538 blog entries.

Energy of the Day: Sign

I often look for Signs that give an indication that I am on the right track, Signs that point the way to the things I want, and Signs that are warnings that I am not on a good path. Look for the Signs in your life today, read them, and follow them as you choose!

By |2022-08-20T14:21:03+00:00June 4th, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Instinct

Appealing to the Instincts of the market, among them the need for approval, safety, and empowerment, the need to take care of our children and families, and our strong sexual drives, forms the basis for many successful marketing campaigns. People buy for many reasons, but most value propositions have their foundations in human Instincts. To [...]

By |2022-08-20T14:21:03+00:00June 2nd, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Suitable

Suitable things are comfortable - like a suit that fits well. Suitable things (and people!) are in alignment with what you want to accomplish and the person you want to be. They help you move forward. Seek optimal, but never accept less than Suitable!

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00June 1st, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Brainstorm

The rules of Brainstorming sessions are pretty well established: you just come up with ideas - often big bold, crazy and out of the box - without evaluating them at all. Afterwards comes the analysis and determination of viability and priority. I am always amazed at the ideas that come through others in these sessions!

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 31st, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Highlight

There are usually some parts of an event or period of time that stand out above the rest. These Highlights are typically enjoyable and what we remember. You never know when your laughter, words of encouragement, or even just a smile will be a Highlight in someone's day, so spread sunshine whenever and wherever you [...]

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 30th, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Buzz

We are warned of the presence of bees and wasps by the Buzzing sounds they make. Hummingbirds and some machines also make a Buzz. But the best Buzz of all is the viral Buzz that comes from an idea or offering that people are talking about and sharing with others. Do you best to create [...]

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 28th, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Variety

There are a lot of paths we can follow to achieve our goals and dreams. There are a lot of foods we can eat, people we can connect with, books we can read, etc. Life is amazingly rich in the Variety of experiences we can have and lessons we can learn. Enjoy yourself! Variety is [...]

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 27th, 2017|Energy of the Day|0 Comments

Energy of the Day: Superb

There are a lot of ways to describe those things that are superior and stand out above the crowd, and calling something Superb is one of my favorites. I usually only use the term to describe a performance, such as a song, a dance, or an act of some kind. In truth, though, we are [...]

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 27th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

We eat ‘hard’ for breakfast

  Every once in a while, I notice I have a little hesitation or resistance to doing something. It could be making a collections phone call, following up on a mysterious credit card charge, or sending out a tough email of some kind. And sometimes I put it off for a while until I am [...]

By |2022-08-20T14:21:05+00:00May 26th, 2017|Today's Insight|0 Comments
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