In the Focused Mind Community, our Mission is to encourage everyone to find highly effective ways of leveraging the power of their Focused Mind to 1) relieve stress and tension, 2) increase Health and Happiness, and 3) Boost Performance!
In each meeting, we share the many ways of focusing attention and highlight one or more of them, introduce ourselves and share with each other, and reflect on a bit of wisdom.
We are not:
...•   A religious community
...•   A business networking group
...•   A mastermind group
...•   A therapy group
...•   A place where people sell from the stage
...•   A place where we only advocate a single approach to focusing attention.
There are no requirements, we just encourage you to believe in yourself and the power of your Focused Mind, believe that you can and will grow stronger and happier over time, and see the best in yourself and others.
We meet each week on Thursdays at 5:00 PM PT on Zoom.  Join us!  Just enter your information below and we'll send you an invitation.  See you soon!